My 3 Month Old


Being a new mom, even though days are long and tough and sometimes it feels like it never ends…Time does fly. My little one is already 3 months and right now has been the most fun (as of yet!) Month one and two is a lot of the same thing, nurse and sleep. Now we have “wake time” which we actually do things like tummy time, rolling around, stretching, talking and smiling.He started smiling around the later half of month two. Now its every morning! We sing the “Good Morning, Hello How Are You?” song and he smiles so BIG! Makes me forget I barely slept lol
He loves to try to fit his whole wrist in his mouth. Two thumbs at the same time. Yesterday we finally got him some TOYS to put in there and his favorite has been the Elephant KiKi. The tummy time we have has been great. He picked it up pretty quick. Every now and then he will actually try to roll over and do tummy time on his own! (Feel like he will crawl soon) Another new thing are his feet. He loves to raise them up and flex his toes. If you kiss those mini E toes he smiles and sometimes giggles. You can find my husband and I kissing and nibbling on his toes all day long! LOL
He is also a talker. He is most vocal on his back , right before he is about to fall asleep. Or its when he is on his back in his favorite spot, the dressing table. He will start a conversation and have so much to say. Its the cutest thing!!! End of the day too, you start talking to him and he will talk with you. You can tell he wants to talk.
Sitting….he also wants to sit on his own all the time now. Soon…soon he will sit on his own and we can face each other and talk!

Photo by Crystal

First Days of Spring



Love feeling the weather getting warmer. Means I can step away from the layering and just go out in a plain button down shirt and jeans.


Shirt is Madewell (similar here), Denim is TopShop, Shoes are Zara (similar here)

Photos by Crystal Seim

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Blue Liner

image from GLAMSQUAD

On the NYFW Runway I saw a lot of blue’s and teals. The way it was used was a very strong bold way and thought I would like to take that trend and go minimal with it, but still show off the color without it taking over my face. Here is the look I got!

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How to “Fashion Green” on St Patricks Day


I went into my closet to find nothing in the color green…
The whole “Kelly Green” color is a real trend for Fall Ready to Wear 2016 and thought I might as well invest in some pieces for the coming season (start off sooner than later!)
Here are some inspirations from Pinterest:


And here are some item’s I found that are currently in my “wish list” …more like “buy soon” …. or like ” buy tomorrow” list.

Acne Studios Women’s Lambskin Moto Jacket
Acne Studios Women's Lambskin Moto JacketFRIEDIA

TopShop Mock Neck Raglan Sweater

MARC FISHER LTD ‘Yale’ Chelsea Boot
green boot

Free People Destroyed Lace Shift

New Balance Capsule Wood Trainer

Little Me’Car’ Romper & Hat Set

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