Having Flat Nipples


Breast feeding struggles are real, wether you have flat nipples or not. When you look at the bigger picture, why do you think there are sooooo many breast feeding classes, teachers, books and even consultants out there? Funny to think I was going to go into breast feeding at an ease…Honestly it was one of the most hardest things I had to work on. SO many nights (and mornings!) where I cried thinking that I had failed. But I kept at it and learned a lot from it.Thank goodness I had midwives because who else do you talk about your nipples too? All my mom friends didn’t have to go what I went through (they had their own struggles) so I thought I should share my story to let you know that you are not alone and to not give up hope! Even with flat or introverted nipples, we can stil breast feed our babies! We just need a few tools and pointers. Good Luck Mama’s!