For the past 6 months my friend and I have been working on a new line 6-8.
(six to eight) It really happened in a way un-intentionally but it also feels like it was MEANT to happen.
Previously I had a clothing line , Monn’Amur. Then I went into making scarves, F&J. Then my last adventure was with AHNIIMURA. We got those tee shirts on Kim Kardashian, Halle Berry, Rachel Bilson and the list goes on. But it was also a part of the whole collapse of the economy and my showroom was having a hard time, stores weren’t ordering as much and we closed 5, almost 6 years ago.
Now, I am off onto a new venture!My friend Tomo’s favorite number is ‘6’ and mine is ‘8’ and thats how we came up with the name. Then we also thought “We both are freelancers, but it is full time, so the only time we would really have time to work on this was from 6-8!” haha
The site went up yesterday and we are currently selling in Japan only. We plan to put up a shop online soon! Will keep you updated!
AND we are pushing onto getting stores in LA too~! Keep your fingers crossed!! No showroom here, right now we are doing everything direct!Even all our production for this is here in Sunny LA! Eeeek! more work for us, but it feels good having control over it all.
Hope you will click on the site and take a peek!
Its sooo brand new, we would love to hear what you think of it all!!