Since the birth of my son came out of nowhere AND it was sort of unplanned and during the holidays I never got the chance to tell the story to my friends and family and everyone keeps asking me why my first instagram photo with little E was in the hospital and not at home?! I still didn’t get to tell them the story so we decided to shoot a video of my husband and I telling you what happened instead of writing it all out! lol
Me being lazy right now (p.s baby is sleeping and I am writing this as fast as I can! lol)
It is a tad bit long, so go grab a cup of tea and maybe some cookies and enjoy our story of the birth of Everest on Dec 23rd 2015!
Even though natural oils have been used for beauty purposes for centuries, I know a lot of women fear or stay away from oils to apply on their faces. I know that because I was one of them. My skin is a good combination skin. Oily around my forehead and chin area then we get the dry patches around my cheeks and sometimes on my nose. I always wanted to add oil to those dry spots and avoid the rest of my face and since it was just too much work I never went for the oil.
Now everything has changed! I add oil into everything I apply on my skin! Weird I know.
First you have to know what the oils are all about, which I am still learning myself, but here are a few versions…