I have been watching the @PBS #AsianAmericans and it makes me feel so many feelings. Happy that so many strong beings have made changes to this world and mad that in ways we are still dealing with the same problems today.
Being Brazilian/Japanese and growing up In Virginia was’t the best of times. I had big glasses and somehow got categorized as Asian and at my lunch with other fellow Asians whom were from India. And when I moved to Japan I got categorized as Foreign, and got picked on for having big eyes or curly hair…really anything they could find they reminded me of it. Being mixed you never know where you fit in.
And now having a shop in Chinatown and dealing with the racism with the Coronavirus there is tough. How people can profile a Chinese American for carrying the virus is crazy to me. When I go to LA Chinatown I see more windows being smashed or vandalized with no one walking around during the day.May I add that when we went to see the space for the first time there were so many people walking around, we met tourists from all over and as soon as the chaos hit Chinatown was the first to feel it. Its sad. Truly heartbreaking to have another racist recurring pattern in American history to happen during times like these. We need to learn from the past and stop this racial hatred. I just pray this is over soon.
Japanese Father